Enchantment: Writing Workbook Series (8 Workbooks)

Enchantment: Writing Workbook Series (8 Workbooks)
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★Write the Story You Were Born to Tell★
The Complete Enchantment Series contains 8 Workbooks (38 pages total) to help you gain clarity on your story. The 8 Workbooks include: Theme - The Heart of Your Story, Main Characters - Protagonist, Antagonist & Relationships, Conflict - Bring on the Drama!, World Building - Creating Your World, The Hero’s Journey - Mapping Out Your Story, The First Draft - Get the Dreadful Thing Over With, Editing - Embrace Your Inner Critic, and Revision - Writing is Rewriting.
The First Workbook (5 pages) in the Enchantment Series focuses on creating a story that has a beating heart, with a purpose and a message. Getting clear on your message before you start writing your story will save you a lot of time and unnecessary editing.
The Second Workbook (5 pages) in the Enchantment Series focuses on crafting a compelling story with relatable characters and tons of conflict. Getting clear on your characters before you start writing your story will make the writing process go a lot smoother.
The Third Workbook (5 pages) in the Enchantment Series focuses on orchestrating a harmonic symphony of your story that is both engaging and suspenseful to your audience. Getting clear on your conflict before you start writing your story will be the beacon of light which guides your story forward.
The Fourth Workbook (7 pages) in the Enchantment Series focuses on building your world and making it real to set you up for success as you start to write your story. You will know what your world is, why it exists, the rules, the biology, the history, the day to day life, and a map of your world.
The Fifth Workbook (4 pages) in the Enchantment Series focuses on why you are writing your story (theme), who is it about (protagonist/antagonist), what is at stake (conflict), your world, and age-old storytelling (the Hero’s Journey). Getting clear on your story outline will set you up for success as you begin to flesh out your story.
The Sixth Workbook (4 pages) in the Enchantment Series focuses on completing the dreadful first draft so you are on your way to completing the story you were born to tell. As you flesh out and expand upon your story, you will begin to experience your story coming to life!
The Seventh Workbook (4 pages) in the Enchantment Series focuses on editing your first draft, so you are well on your way to polishing the story you were born to tell. As you cut the fluff and all the extra bits, you will witness your story coming to life!
The Eighth Workbook (4 pages) in the Enchantment Series focuses on revising your draft, so you are well on your way to fleshing out the story and making it better than ever. As you expand upon your story and it’s different elements, you will witness it transform and evolve before your very eyes!
Now go create something magical!